Owning a car, whether used or new, is an achievement that you should be proud of. It is a personal investment that takes a lot of hard work, commitment, and consistency. In fact, most people drive cars that were purchased ...

The exhaust system in a vehicle is responsible for the gas recirculation in which the valve plays an important role in running the entire driving mechanism. The vehicle exhaust system also known as vehicle emission system is meant to recirculate ...

Vehicles are an essential part of our lives. However, sometimes they aren’t so reliable. It may break down and leave us high and dry. In such times of crisis, we must have a mechanic we can trust. The automatic transmission ...

Is your car’s COE due date arriving in a couple of months? If so it is time for you to consider your options. Should you choose to not renew the COE, then you will have to scrap your car. Fortunately, ...

Is your certificate of entitlement (COE) ending? Are you thinking of scrapping your current car? If so, you should begin the car scrapping process. Unfortunately, the Singapore car scraping procedure is complex with plenty of misleading information out on the ...